Final Test Result & Data Rebate
Final Test Results
We are happy to announce that all complaints and feedback have been resolved and the final test scores have been uploaded on the Aptitude Test Page. This includes results from those who were permitted to rewrite the test.
We want to state that all complaints and feedback were handled in accordance with our rules for the test, As such, those who erred in line with the information provided HERE were not eligible for consideration.
To see your final test scores (and if an update was made) please head to the Aptitude Test zone from your dashboard or from by clicking the button below.
Data Rebate
As you may be aware, the College Relief Fund scholarship program, in order to alleviate students’ financial concerns, gave DATA REBATE to candidates in the previous batches to recompense for the data used in browsing the application site and preparing for the Aptitude Test.
This is done to guarantee that each candidate has an equal opportunity of accessing the site and taking the exam without needing to worry about the accessibility of mobile data owing to prices.
As the application window and Aptitude Test time have ended, and while we await final batch selection, we officially welcome all candidates to fill out and submit applications for the DATA REBATE as promised at the start of this batch.
Priority will be given to MTN Nigeria users at the moment as we strive to include other networks. However, we welcome other network users to apply as we push towards including them.
NOTE: Application for Data Rebate closes on 23rd of May 2023. Only applications before this date will be processed.
Comments (26)
I was not considered for a rewrite and I don’t know why. The server did not work that day, my test score came in as zero and my several complaints was not handled.
I left a feedback/complain about my Zero score and after the review, nothing was done in my case. I was concluded that I didn’t sit for the test when it clearly shows that I spent 15 mins on the test and got 0 out of 30. 😥 I feel ruled out. Please C.R.F, is there anything that can still be done?
Thank you CRF for all you do, am so glad to be part of this, I hope the results comes out in my favour.
Dear CRF,
I would have written you via email or WhatsApp, but unfortunately i didn’t get any real response as i have tried these means to reach you.
I logged in to write the test on the original date, the site was unresponsive and then i was told “I had run out of time” and had used 7 seconds “00:00:07”
I made complaints by sending email(s) (which haven’t been replied till date)
I applied via the Complaint and Feedback portal and i still wasn’t allowed to retake the test.
In conclusion, i didn’t get to see or answer any question at all and was graded Zero (0).
I would like to get a feedback or response to address this challenge. I’d appreciate your response.
You’re not alone in that boat.
Let’s just hope for the best.
I really want to thank college relief fund team for giving me the opportunity to apply for this grant,,i have been hopeful and prayerful to be among the shortlisted candidate, I pray Almighty God bless you all @CRF Team
Thank you College Relief Fund
We thank God for this opportunity
Thank you
Thank you so much CRF, for this opportunity, I pray to be picked, God bless you all.
Thank you so much CRF.. You are the best
It is of great privilege to witness the summit part of this year batch A, and I go by appreciating the platform, CRF, for bringing this opportunity to various students in different institutions here in Nigeria and beyond.
As we anticipate the disbursement of the grant, hopefully I and many others will be considered.
Thank you so much CRF for everything so far.
God bless CRF.
God bless Nigeria.
God bless the USA.
I love and celebrate college relief fund even as body for their tireless efforts in putting smile in the face of the student. God bless CRF.
Someone who never wrote the test can be or she still be given another opportunity?
I think you’ll have to reapply to be amongst the next cohort.
I’m not very sure.
I wasn’t able to sit for the exams because of what I don’t know can I get an explanation please 🥺🙏
Thank you CFR for selecting me among those who wrote the aptitude test.
This happens to be my first time applying for it I really need it, I will be most grateful if consider for disbursement GOD BLESS CFR AMEN THANK YOU.
When disbursement will commence?
Have you been contacted??
I hope I get lucky because I really need it. God bless CRF
I think you’ll have to reapply to be amongst the next cohort.
I’m not very sure.
May God bless C.R.F.
Thank you college relief fund
We are solely looking forward to updates concerning the disbursement.
Thank you CFR for all the Efforts, this will go a long way to support our educational, as tuition fees a accommodation cost are becoming unaffordable to us . Once again thank u all, even if i end up not benefiting from this,knowing for a fact that my brothers and sisters from Adam will, gives me so much Satisfaction.